Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Crazy Life

Life is really crazy..

Love the predictable yet unpredictable behavior of people. You have dreams.. and then you get just lazy to pursue them.. You want to be different.. But its just easier to follow what others tell you and blame them when things don't go just as planned.

So overall its nice.. love both sides of it.. the Common and the uncommon way to life.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Hypnotozing Maria

Read this is a Richard Bach Book:

Hypnotism - an Accepted suggestion. 

Nice 2 word description to a beautiful phenomena. As any other Richard bach book, a very simple execution to a persistent question of the intelect. The question of the reality of life. Life is reality or a dream we are all waiting to wake up from. 

Another movie comes to my mind on the same question. Inception. 

A beautiful concept, may be the director went a little far with the concept with dream within dream .. and then within dream. The question remains true. What if this too is a dream and we are just waking up to another reality. Is it then worth all the effort if any thing i do, the emotional and physical investment I do in Life is anyways coming to naught. Can we just be and observe the passing of the frames with smile, popcorn in hand and a extra extra glass of some cola.


Today - - i see the green buds outside my window..
locked away in my disease ridden prison ..
I for a change notice the outside
the outside that was always there..
the outside that will be there .. Its just a new me..
a new vision.. a new realization
life .. at the end of the long journey of death..
floating in the middle.
allured by the bright color, the nice smells
the promise of a touch
the promise of life..
confused.. with today and the promised tomorrow
which is Real?