Thursday, September 22, 2005

Some thoughts

Katrina.. And now Rita.. beautiful names that stand for destruction .. in a colossal scale. Was following the news. so many dead.. so many homeless.. uprooted from their homes.. struggling for the basic necessities of life..

Then you wonder. what used to happen in my country.. back in India.. every year there is a flood or a drought.. thousands die.. Millions become homeless.. and in some cases you don't even need that. the mere existence is a struggle .. a struggle much harder, much more cruel than ppl can ever imagine..

Imagine selling your newborn baby for a morsel of food. Dying of eating the dust from the grounds because you have to eat something to satiate this hunger. Drinking the same water where a pig is walloping happily.. and feeling lucky that atleast there is water.. If this is life then who needs a Rita..

Who writes about these people.. people whose lives are about existence. to survive the day and hope that you survive atleast half of the next.. become happy that you have a drop of water and a dried piece of bread.. even if its the only thing you had after 5 days and the next meal is again 5 days away..

Katrina was really destructive..$300 billion .. thats a lot of money.. but just think how much it takes to feed a thousand mouths in any 3rd world country.. may be a 1000 dollars.. may be less.. and be assured that you are actually saving a thousand lives there.

I am not saying that the hurricane was not a tragedy or that New Orleans was not devastated.. Media.. look at the outside world too.. there is life out there .. they too are of the same species.. Humans .. who acknowledge your existance.. The least you can do is retun the favour..

Having said all this if you ask me.. personally what have you done for the poor.. I have to admit.. nothing.. I am one of those hypocrites.. who just want to talk about things and leave the doing to the others.. Talk because there is something to talk about.. or may just that you feel like talking..
sometimes I do feel something.. and then .. it just goes.. I feel every man suffers from MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder). You have a kind man, wise man, Sad man, bad man, jester, a solder, and may be a couple of women too.. but thats just me.. who is unafraid of admitting the truth.. unlike the crowd out there trying hard to mask their disease....

I am content.. cant say happy or sad about it.. just that I dont mind having the disease.. dont mind being a Human..

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Sharmistha & Devyani II

Sharmitha & Devyani II

We enter the lives of these 2 beautiful damsels again after a few years. Much water has passed below the bridge since the huge spat between the friends. The 2 girls have matured into 2 beautiful women. Well endowed with the beauty of body and mind they ruled in their own realms. Devyani, the daughter of Shukracharya and Sharmistha the princess. You could say they were happy.

But Devyani could never forget the humiliation of that unfortunate day. He also could not forget the soft touch of Jajati. She could still feel the caring hands caressing her hair. The deeply husky musculine smell coming from a sweaty body after long day in the forest. The strong arms holding her close protecting from the unseen.